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How to Get Rid of Gynecomastia with Exercise

Society sets some masculinity standards that define a man's appearance, and people expect all men to meet these standards.

As a result, men with gynecomastia often called "man boobs," feel ashamed of their body shape and try to conceal the condition.

Gynecomastia happens when too much fat builds up around the chest area making a man look like he has boobs.

Studies show that certain exercises can help cut down the fat in your chest area and get rid of gynecomastia.

Keep reading to discover these exercises...


Swimming is a great low-impact cardio workout that works your chest muscles and arms.

You can tailor your experience with many different strokes.

Specialists suggest using your arms more while swimming to build up your chest muscles.

This will help you burn fat and improve how your chest looks.

The best swimming strokes include

  • Butterfly stroke
  • Breaststroke
  • Backstroke


Doing pushups will tighten your chest muscles and also build up your shoulder and upper arm muscles.

Plus, you can do pushups anywhere, and there are many types of pushups, like

  • One arm push up
  • Decline push up
  • Diamond push up
  • TRX push up
  • Plus push up


  • Get down on the floor and put your arms under your shoulders
  • Keep your back, butt, and head in a straight line to spread your weight
  • Stretch out your legs so your weight shifts to your toes
  • Tighten your core muscles
  • Drop your body until your elbows bend at a 90-degree angle
  • As you move up and down, keep your elbows close to your body
  • Do this ten times for three or four sets each workout.

Out of all pushup types, decline pushups work best to tone chest muscles.

Decline pushups are a bit different from regular pushups. You need to put your legs on a raised platform.

Start with three sets and ten reps for each exercise. As you grow more comfortable, you can increase these numbers.

Rowing machines

Rowing machines provide a full-body workout. Also, these machines put significant pressure on your chest and arms.

Pulling the rowing machine has an impact on various back and chest muscles while burning a lot of fat.

Using rowing machines also improves joint strength and muscle coordination.

Bent forward cable crossovers

If you have access to a gym bent forward crossovers are a great way to work out your pectoral muscles.


  • Get on a cable crossover machine. Put your legs a bit apart and grab a cable in each hand. Stretch your arms out so the cables hang straight down.
  • Put one foot in front and one behind. Bend your knees.
  • Pull your arms together in a perfect arc while keeping them stretched out. Do this and .
  • Bring your hands back to where you started taking your time.
  • Do this ten times and complete three sets each workout. The last set will be tough, but keep going.

Goblet squat

Goblet squats are simple to do and work well.


  • Grab a kettlebell or dumbbell and hold it against your chest. Choose one that you can handle easily.
  • Stand with your feet apart and lower yourself .
  • Maintain this position for 60 seconds then stand back up. As you move up and down, keep your knees wide.
  • Complete three sets of ten repetitions. You can rest between sets.
  • Also, tighten your core and chest to stop the weight from pulling your upper body forward.

Goblet Swings

This exercise is a bit like the goblet squat, but you swing the weight instead.


  • Choose a kettlebell or dumbbell with a weight you can lift .
  • Grasp the weight just below your pelvis then stand in a relaxed position.
  • Flex your knees a bit then lift the weight up while keeping your arms straight.
  • You can raise the weight as high as you can, but to start, lifting it to a 90-degree angle works well.

As you swing, make sure your legs don't move and your knees and arms shift.

You can complete five sets with ten repetitions in each set.

Plank to push up

Plank to pushups combines pushups and planks. This exercise strengthens your core muscles, which helps you perform other exercises.

The exercise has a stabilizing effect on your torso, as your shoulders and arms move while other body parts stay still.


  • Lie flat on a mat and then get into the normal forearm plank position.
  • Keep as still as you can then push up with your right hand. Put the hand at the exact spot your elbow was.
  • Put your left hand on the mat and also push up.
  • Lower your right elbow and then the left elbow and get back to the initial plank position. If you started by pushing up the right elbow, you should lower it first.
  • Do this about ten times, and switch which hand you start with to avoid working one arm more than the other.

When performing plank to pushups, maintain a straight line from your back to your hips for even weight distribution.


Weight lifting helps reduce fat, but adding sprints to your workouts speeds up fat loss.

Sprinting works out your entire body and boosts overall muscle coordination.


Sprint for 50 to 60 seconds on a treadmill. If you lack access to a treadmill, you can do 100 or 200-meter sprints in a nearby field.


If sprinting doesn't appeal to you walking can still help you lose fat. A simple 30-minute stroll around your neighborhood does the job.

Dumbbell pull over

Many experts and gym trainers suggest dumbbell pullovers as an exercise to shape chest muscles.


  • Lie flat on a bench and bend your knees at a right angle
  • Grip a medium or light dumbbell above your chest, with your elbows bent
  • Lower the dumbbell over your head
  • Bring the dumbbell back to your chest
  • Begin with five sets of three reps, and increase the reps and sets as you get stronger

Standing Cable fly

Standing cable fly exercises help you burn fat and build strength in your shoulders and triceps.


  • Start by grabbing each pulley with appropriate weights at shoulder height.
  • Step one foot in front and the other behind.
  • Grip the pulley handles .
  • Keep your back straight and your core tight.
  • Lift your arms to the sides with your palms facing forward.
  • Take two small steps forward.
  • Bend your elbows so they don't go past your shoulders.
  • Bring your hands toward each other and go back to the starting position.
  • If you began with your right leg, switch to your left and do it again.

Tip: Do this exercise in front of a mirror to watch your movements.

Safety considerations

It's essential to begin exercising at a slow pace and ramp up the intensity as you make progress rather than starting off too hard.

If you attempt to lift a heavy weight or run for a long time, you'll end up hurting yourself.

Also, you should call it quits when you feel worn out or experience pain in any of your joints.

Final word

Man boobs can make you feel self-conscious and knock your confidence.

But if you add the exercises we've suggested to your workout plan and cut back on fatty foods, you'll start to see changes over time.

You have options to wear certain clothes such as Esteem apparel compression shirts, which will hide your gynecomastia. These shirts are snug and cozy fitting under any outfit you choose.

Esteem Apparel Gynecomastia Chest Compression Shirts
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